Bowling Green State University Dietetic Internship Program Rotation: WIC Clinics _____ Readings completed _____ Complete WIC works on-line module _____ Pre-rotation self-assessment journal entry _____ Complete CDC growth chart module _____ Affiliation Agreement signed and submitted ______Health documentation submitted to site as needed Intern: Facility: Goal/Objective initial Planned Experience Comments/Alternative Experiences DI 4.4 Participate in public policy activities, including both legislative and regulatory initiatives. Identifies federal, regional, state and local governmental structures and regulations that influence the WIC program. Identifies political/regulatory considerations involved in agency planning and decision making. Evaluation of competency Review information on the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act. Review laws and regulations related to WIC: Subpart C 331-346, Subpart D 349 – 359, Subpart E 359 – 363 and any state specific information. journal entry - how is program funded? discuss funding issues as they apply to current legislation if appropriate with preceptor review regulations that effect program administration - summarize in journal entry discuss with preceptor, director to review journal entries Review WIC Authorized Food Lists – discuss how change in foods has impacted agency – journal entry Discuss key players responsible for agency/program planning with preceptor – make journal entry. Review organizational chart – note where RD’s are located. Review agency policy manual if possible. discuss with preceptor, director to review journal entries 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed Intern rating DI 4.9 Obtain and analyze financial data to assess budget controls and maximize fiscal outcomes. Analyze financial information relevant to program operations. Evaluation of competency review qualifying financial criteria on-site review program application form discuss the following with preceptor if possible mean income of participants, other forms of assistance they may be receiving - journal entry review budget with preceptor (note: salaries are proprietary information - make journal entry 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level discuss with preceptor, director to review journal entries 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed Intern rating DI 2.2 Demonstrate professional writing skills in preparing professional communications (e.g. research manuscripts, project proposals, education materials, policies and procedures). Identify educational needs of target population, including cultural considerations. Develop educational materials that meets needs of population. Evaluation of competency review know your learner, low literacy or cultural references as needed review WIC Works Sharing Center web site for ideas on classes, other resources for this audience review “Early introduction of solid foods among urban African-American participants in WIC. discuss classes offered – how were topics determined? Journal entry discuss with preceptor, director to review journal entries under preceptor direction, develop handout or bulletin board to be used in counseling or as part of a class if needed add to portfolio reviewed by preceptor 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed Intern rating DI 3.1a. Assess the nutritional status of individuals, groups and populations in a variety of settings where nutrition care is or can be delivered. Identify general needs and characteristics of WIC population. Review normal nutrition needs of this population (pregnancy, lactation, infancy, early childhood) Screen/assess WIC clients according to facility criteria Evaluation of competency review WIC Participant and Program Characteristics review WIC formulary, foods available on voucher program discuss with preceptor review relevant chapters in Nutrition in Diagnosis Related Care, Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy, Picky Eating: A Toddler’s Approach to Mealtime as needed review positions of the American Dietetic Association – Nutrition and Lifestyle for a Healthy Pregnancy Outcome and Breaking the Barriers Toward Breastfeeding as needed discuss with preceptor review VENA (Value Enhanced Nutrition Assessment) Guidelines – appendices provide guidelines for specific populations or site specific method for assessment of clients complete the CDC Growth Chart On-Line Training Module review policies and procedures regarding client assessment including forms observe WIC personnel assess clients under supervision of preceptor assess clients assess clients independently, if possible journal entry summarizing 3 cases – include PES statements for each one preceptor to assess counseling skills, director to review journal entries 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed Intern Rating DI 3.c Plan and implement nutrition interventions, to include prioritizing the nutrition diagnosis, formulating a nutrition prescription, establishing goals and selecting an managing intervention. DI 3.d Monitor and evaluate problems, etiologies, signs, symptoms and impact of interventions on the nutrition diagnosis. Develops and implements care plan based on nutritional status. Evaluation of competency with preceptor assistance analyze and interpret 24 hour recalls, food frequencies and anthropometric measures independently analyze and interpret 24 hour recalls, food frequencies and anthropometric measures develop care plan for client using food package 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level preceptor to assess counseling skills 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed Intern Rating DI 2.3 Design, implement and evaluate presentations considering life experiences, cultural diversity and educational background of the target audience. Assess educational needs of target audience. Develop and present class based on assessed needs. Evaluation of competency Review limited resource client module from intro course and cultural diversity module as needed review existing classes discuss with preceptor develop learning objectives and class on topic given by preceptor, develop educational materials as needed present class if possible - summarize experience in journal entry self-evaluate using program evaluation form, preceptor to evaluate class presentation 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed Intern Rating DI 1.4 Evaluate emerging research for application in dietetics practice review Pediatric and Pregnancy Nutrition Surveillance System web-site. How does this state compare to surrounding states regarding breastfeeding practices and LBW babies? – journal entry review research studies described on the WIC website review research aspects of clinic programs (if any) with preceptor and assist in data collection, if applicable discuss role of nutrition in treatment and recovery from chemical dependency Discuss research aspects of clinic programs Evaluation of competency 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level discuss with preceptor, director to review journal entries 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed Intern Rating DI 4.1 Use organizational processes and tools to manage human resources Applies resource management, including grant application, identifying funding sources and reading fiscal reports. Uses management principles for effective community assessment, program planning, implementation and evaluation and applies them to communitybased public health nutrition programs. review financial statements for agency as available assist with writing grant application or review existing applications as available –journal entry participate in strategic planning if possible discuss with preceptor journal entry observe and interview various members of the multidisciplinary team - journal entry identify criteria for implementing Quality Assurance plan for the local agency and/or community participate in conducting a community needs assessment, including socioeconomic data or review needs assessment if available - journal entry Utilizes referral process and makes appropriate community referrals. Evaluation of competency Were competencies generally met? identify related agencies appropriate for client referral -summarize in journal entry makes appropriate referrals 1= competency attempted, minimal success 2= competency partially met 3= competency nearly met at entry level yes discuss with preceptor 4= competency met at entry level 5=competency surpasses entry level NA = not attempted or observed no Comments: Preceptor Signature: Date: Intern Signature: Post rotation checklist: Goals and objectives signed by preceptor and intern to be mailed or faxed to director Post rotation evaluation form completed by preceptor, signed by intern, to be mailed or faxed to director Submission of journal entries to director via mail or electronically Evaluation of distance internship program by preceptor (under resources, preceptor web page) Complete intern feedback form and submit electronically. (under course documents, evaluations folder) Intern Rating